
To Join Green Fire EcoMinistry you must be at least 18 years old (or you must have your parents or guardian be a member) and…..

To become a Green Fire Member the first step is to take the Green Fire 7 Generations Vow ~

As Stewards of the Earth we remember our vow to:

  1. prayerhands200Uphold always the principles of Love in all that we do.
  2.  Uphold always the principles of Ecological balance.
  3.  Be of service to the highest good for all life.
  4.  Strive to understand and respect the Interdependence of life.
  5. Seek to make our choices with the next 7 generations’ children in our hearts and mind.
  6.  Strive to see the beauty and create beauty in any environment we find ourselves in.
  7.  Respect the diversity in all creation.

It isitting-under-trees a beautiful idea to have a formal ceremony of some kind – find a beautiful tree or peaceful place where you can sit and recite the vow.  Have a journal to record your thoughts and feelings about your personal connection with Earth and our future.  You can also do a selfie video or have a friend record you and if you feel inclined share the video on the Green Fire private member network….

The second step is to register as a member on the Green Fire Ministry private member network.

MemberNetworkScreenShotClick here to join and fill out the registration page. Your membership is subject to approval and you will receive a notice when your membership is approved.

Once you register and join the member network you will be able to download your Green Fire Earth Stewards Certificate, meet other Green Fire members, write blog posts, upload photos, share videos, and share resources.